Numerology is the detailed study of the symbolism of numbers. It is used to determine a person’s personality, strengths and talents, obstacles, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others. Numerology presents the whole picture, revealing all the diverse parts of your personality and how they come together to create the person you are. With this complete view, you are able to make the most of your strengths. Whether you use numerology to examine your life, take advantage of unexplored opportunities, confirm your talents or simply figure out where to go next, numerology can be a penetrating tool that helps you understand yourself and loved ones better.
Everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it. By applying the principles of numerology -- and using only a name and birth date as the basic data -- you can determine the major frequencies of a person. A numerological analysis of the calculated frequencies provides significant information on personality and character.
Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs.
Numerology Services
Numerology Services
Numerology is a significant aspect of the arena of soothsaying and prophecy and plays a very strong role in today’s world for making lives quiet easier. Numerology deals with the human personas as it explores the core of the person and the way he/she approaches towards the life & world.
Numerology is the study of numbers associated with the name and birth of the person. In further explicit words, study of numerology makes us know the attitude of the person and intellect and understanding in the person and express his/her inner emotional shade.
Numerology Services
Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopropyl were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudo mathematics or pseudo science by modern scientists. The term numerologist is also used derogatorily for those perceived to place excess faith in numerical patterns (and draw scientifically unsound inferences from them), even if those people do not practice traditional numerology. Or What Pythagoras Wrought, mathematician Underwood Dudley uses the term to discuss practitioners of the Elliott wave principle of stock market analysis.